Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Squeak Squeak

One day while taking a break from becoming a boiler tech. I happen upon a mouse in one of the vending machines. So I whipped out the old nickle and bought me a mouse. Puttin my new found pet into a cup with a lid I took him back to the barracks keeping him in my locker.

Then the evils of beer came upon me and after an evening of preforming my sailorly duties at the local bars, which charged the outrageous price of $1 a bottle!, I returned to check on my new buddy. According to my roomy the events are as follows, I took the mouse out of the cup and holding him in my fist I asked him to go squeak squeak, after repeated attempts to get him to comply I squeezed the little bugger and threw him out the door.

Next morning I got up and checked on my little buddy not finding him where he should be I asked my roomy about it and that's when I was informed of my dastardly deeds of the previous evening. I opened the door to check for the remains of what I had done and there were none to be found, a mystery never to be solved as to what had happened to my little buddy and my swearing off of beer forever.

That night I promptly went out and yet again preformed my sailorly duties.

1 comment:

GW said...

Eduard Delacroix you were not, eh? ;) Somewhere, that mouse's great-great-great-great...great grandmice retell that fateful tale. LOL