Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Morning Inspections

My son Logan has issued a challenge to me about sea stories. Thinks he can keep up with the old man in quantity and quality. I thereby accept his challenge! Let the best old sea dog win. No disrespect to those who spent a career out on the might blue. Logan's space.

Reveille was at 5 AM every morning except on Sunday's which was a leisurely 7 AM. It was summer when I was in boot and they always lined us up on the parade ground facing east. I enjoyed these mornings due to the fact that we were out there before the sun came up and every morning I got to witness one of the most spectacular sunrises I have ever seen. As the sun would start to rise 3 large beams of light bouncing off of the ocean would begin to appear on the horizon gradually growing in length until they almost reached mid sky before the sun would rise high enough not to be bouncing light in our direction any longer.

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