Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Chicago Bound

Isn't it ironic the twists of time. I went through boot camp in Orlando, Fla. and A school in Chicago, Ill. while my son went to boot in Chicago and A school in Orlando.

I left Amarillo,Tx. in September for 6 weeks of training to be a boiler tech with a stop along the way to show off my summer whites to my grandparents in Kansas. The trip was uneventful until I got to Chicago where this hick from Texas got introduced to the skyway which I got on to by mistake. I had never even heard of a toll road in my life let alone been on one and after a considerable distance I reached a toll booth where they wanted money to continue, guess whos broke. After much explaining and some laughter at my expense I was allowed to go over to the lanes heading back to Chicago and on to my duty station. I'm sure I was the butt of many a joke about being a hillbilly from Texas for somewhile to be sure.
What I thought was to be an uneventfull 6 weeks of learning before heading out to the fleet was not to be.

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