Wednesday, May 16, 2007


My having been raised in the 60's and 70's you will no doubt know where some of my stories will go and this being one of the first. Just before my 18th birthday a law was passed making it legal for 18 year olds to 1) Vote 2) drink BEER! After getting settled into my new home for the time being I was coming back to barracks after my first day of getting to know you and low and behold right there in the entry way is a wonderful machine that for a quarter you could get up to 6 varieties of hand cramping cold BEER! GOD BLESS THE US NAVY!!!!!!!!!!! As a side note there was not a single soda or munchy machine in sight anywhere. Just BEER!

Needless to say this would be the source of many a misadventure for one young sailor who shall remain nameless.

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