Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dream Sheet

I joined the Navy for two reasons: 1. Cause a good friend of mine was on a boat (for you non navy types that's a submarine.) 2. The recruiter said I could be an engineer (you know designing buildings, bridges and such, what do I know I'm 19 and stupid.)

Well a day comes and they take us to a building to fill out our dream sheet. This is a piece of paper that has five listing of what you want to do. My COUNSELER said OK I need you to pick what you want from this list of about fifteen job listings. I put down five that looked interesting (which by the way had noooooo descriptions to go with them) and handed it back to him. He looked at it a minute and pointed a the last space and told me what I had put there really did not line up with the other choices I had made, so he suggested that I erase my last entry and put BT there instead (notice the initials instead of actual words.) he also told me they usually pick from the first three anyway so it really was no big deal, being 19 and stupid I did.

Well there are two things you can rely on from the military "RECRUITERS and COUNSELORS lie.

In the navy if the letters BT show up even on the edge of that piece of paper your a BT for life with no possible chance of parole.

I did not end up on a sub because they don't have BOILERS just like they don't have screen doors. And an engineer in the navy doesn’t build or design squat.

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